The first professional chorus, the National Chorus of Korea, was established in May, 1973 and, within thirty years, the number of professional choirs increased to seventy-three (73). Most of them are sponsored by the local governments.
According to the Ministry of Security and Public Administration of Korea, as of 2023, there are one hundred sixty two (162) cities in Korea. Of those cities, there are sixty-eight (68) civic choruses sponsored by local governments. Also, there is one chorus, the National Chorus of Korea, sponsored by the central government (Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Korea).
Out of sixty-eight choruses (including the National Chorus of Korea), thirty (30) choirs are full-time jobs, and the remaining choirs are part-time jobs, with rehearsals taking place two to three times per week. The choirs consist of approximately 30 to 60 members, and all of the choir members in these areas have majored in vocal performance.
Civic choruses have very unique concerts called “Visiting Concerts” which is outreach concerts. Choirs visit local schools, companies, public agencies, and venues and holds concerts exclusively for them. This enables the choir to have more than forty (40) concerts a year on average.